Celebrating 100 years of
York County beekeeping


Celebrating 100 years of
York County beekeeping

YCBA Monthly Meeting

YCBA Monthly Meeting
Thursday, February 28, 2019, 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 1543
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Darwinian Beekeeping : David Papke and Jeremy Barnes  
Ever since humans started keeping bees in hives we have been disrupting honey bee colonies and their environment by moving colonies to geographical locations to which they are not well adapted, and by managing honey bees in ways that provide us with honey, beeswax, propolis, pollen, royal jelly, and pollination services but which interferes with their lives.
The challenge is to provide honey bees with a nest that is a better fit to their environment, manage them more naturally, and thereby enable them to live with less stress and better health.  
Jeremy and David will explain the concepts behind the natural beekeeping movement, outline the principles and the practical applications, and illustrate it with examples of working hives that David designed and built last year. 
Location PennState York in the Ruhl Community Center Room at 1031 Edgecomb Ave, York PA

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