Celebrating 100 years of
York County beekeeping


Celebrating 100 years of
York County beekeeping

Join York County Beekeepers Association

bee dot 1Who joins YCBA?

Anyone interested in promoting and learning about honeybees can join! Our members include commercial, sideline, and hobby keepers as well as non-beekeepers who share our fascination with bees.

bee dot 1What does YCBA do?

Our organization promotes the vital importance of honey bees and responsible beekeeping in the following ways:

  • Holds monthly meetings every fourth Tuesday to discuss topics of interest, share information and generally socialize with other bee enthusiasts. All meetings are open to the public. No meetings October-December.
  • Offers educational courses designed to provide the basic concepts and management practices for maintaining hives.
  • Provides books and magazines in our members library. Members may sign out books and magazines on beekeeping to further educate themselves.
  • Provides access to an extensive number of local resources.

bee dot 1How much are dues to YCBA?

Dues are paid annually (unless you select a lifetime membership) no later than the last day of January of each year. Dues are good from January 1 - December 31 of the current year.

  • Individual Membership - $20.00 per year
  • Lifetime Membership - $150 individual $200 couple

bee dot 1

What about the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers?

This year we are continuing our partnership with our State level club, the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association (PSBA) and are asking all beekeepers in Pennsylvania to sign up for PSBA.  Therefore, we are continuing to offer a membership model which includes the PSBA along with YCBA memberships.  Two memberships, one form, one sign up, one check.  We take care of everything else. It's that simple!

  • Individual YCBA plus PSBA Membership - $40.00 per year ($20 YCBA + $20 PSBA)
  • Lifetime Membership - $350 individual ($150 YCBA + $200 PSBA)

bee dot 1How do I join or renew membership with Pennsylvania's YCBA?

Everything you need is right here. You can print and mail the Pennsylvania membership form and payment, or complete the YCBA Pennsylvania membership form and then pay on line (via PayPal). Either way, you will be glad you became a member of Pennsylvania's York County Beekeepers' Association!

Mail-In Membership Form

Online Membership


Membership Sign-up
 Membership Signup

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